Software Release 27/01/2020

Room Manager successfully released the below changes into the live production system overnight. Should you require further information in regards to any of the below features, please reach out to our friendly Room Manager Support team who will be more than happy to help. 

Improvements & Bug Fixes:

Update 'Payment Express' to 'Windcave' [#13538]

The 'Payment Express' brand name has been updated to 'Windcave'. Changes have been applied on Visitor Centre, Tour Manager and Room Manager 'Gateway Type' drop downs found on all Credit Card & Payment Options screens.

OBE URL Enhancements for Displaying Specific Product/s [#15781]

Enhancements have been made to the Operator Booking Engine (OBE). Operators now have the ability to generate OBE url links that filter and display specific products only.

Email History Slowness [#15875]

Improved the search results return on Email History. Validation was also added when search filters are not provided and when searching reports that are two years past.

Reservation List Not showing Correct Booking Location [#15893]

A 'Location' column on the Reservation search screen has been added, in order to display where the booking was processed.

Add Guest Contact Details to Accommodation Manifest CSV Export [#14339]

Guest contact details are now included on the accommodation manifest CSV export.